Out Of Demand
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The live audio performance "Out Of Demand" uses the content of the Cultural Broadcasting Archive CBA exemplarily to reflect the change of media usage especially in context of the personalisation of content, the convergence of media and channels of distribution and - linked with that - the changing of listening habits.

The main topics of reflection are particularly the ongoing change of the reception of the medium radio, the different forms of listening as well as new technological ways of consumption. The processes of searching, finding and personalising are integral parts of the performance.

Get the Flash Player to see the Out Of Demand Live Performance @ WORM/Rotterdam

Every performed track is built on a different topic, fragments of broadcasts are cut, chopped, looped or transformed into atmospheric ambient music. Sometimes the topic of a track is obvious and serves as a statement, some tracks are more sound-collages than music, and with others the audience experiences an atmosphere created by abstract sounds.

In this way content evolves into music and music becomes content.

This project is a further development of the first "Out Of Demand" installation we realized for the "Radio Revolten" festival in Halle/Saale in Germany in September 2006 and the Radio FRO conference of the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz/Austria.

The project was financially supported by the Media Art Fund of the Federal Chancellary of Austria.

Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur